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( Ich bin Martin Lobedann)


Continuous viral filtration for the production of monoclonal ...X-MOL
Laura David , Jens Niklas , Bastian Budde , Martin Lobedann , Gerhard Schembecker. Continuous processing is the future manufacturing method for monoclonal ... Laura David , Jens Niklas , Bastian Budde , Martin Lobedann , Gerhard Schembecker. Continuous processing is the future manufacturing method for monoclonal ...

Filtration Improvements Yield Many Benefits Down the LineGenetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
— Transgenic plants are a novel route for production of protein-based APIs, including antibodies. Martin Lobedann, Ph.D., now a process expert at — Transgenic plants are a novel route for production of protein-based APIs, including antibodies. Martin Lobedann, Ph.D., now a process expert at ...

How to Prevent Over-Investing in Your Process ...Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News
— ... Martin Lobedann, PhD, process technology manager at Sartorius Stedim Biotech—analyzed industry efforts to increase output in a recent study — ... Martin Lobedann, PhD, process technology manager at Sartorius Stedim Biotech—analyzed industry efforts to increase output in a recent study.
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