Michael Chan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Chan)


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Canberra "schlicht empört": Australier in Indonesien kurz vor...

Das Hoffen hat wohl keinen Sinn mehr: Die zwei in Indonesien zum Tode verurteilten Australier werden wohl in Kürze hingerichtet. Australiens Premierminister...

Michael Chan | News, Videos & ArticlesGlobal News

Michael Chan videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on Michael Chan .

Michael Chan threatens legal action over Globe report that CSIS...

Chan demanded that the Globe retract its story. But on Monday, the Globe stood by its coverage, and said it planned to publish 'further' material

Veteran Pursues Career in Filmmaking - ABC News

Veteran Michael Chan joined the Marines after and served two tours in Iraq. Since returning home, he's suffered from PTSD but is currently working on a...
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