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Allianz CEO Diekmann to step aside in May | Reuters
Allianz will replace its chief executive earlier than expected, promoting insider Oliver Baete from May as the insurer seeks to restore order at Pimco, its...
Allianz Says Oliver Baete To Succeed Michael Diekmann As CEO
· German insurer Allianz SE (AZSEY.PK) Thursday said its Chief Executive Officer Michael Diekmann would remain in that role only up to the ...
Allianz steht vor dem Ende der Ära Diekmann - ReutersReuters
— Michael Diekmann, Chief Executive of Europe's biggest insurer Allianz SE and Supervisory board chairman Helmut Perlet (R) arrive for the ... › article
Allianz to keep Diekmann as CEO to tackle reforms - investorsReuters
— ... asset management unit, is expected to break its own age rules by extending the contract of Chief Executive Michael Diekmann on Thursday. › article
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