Tony Lakatos Quintett feat. Axel Schlosser | kassel-zeitung
Michael Fluegel (pi.); Thomas Heidepriem (bs.); Jean-Paul Hochstatter (dr.) Eintritt 10,- Euro ermässigt 8,- Euro Impressum | Alle Beiträge von ...
Clarkston RB/CB Michael Fluegel was offered by Columbia - The D...
Clarkston RB/CB Michael Fluegel was offered by Columbia University early Wednesday morning.The explosive and reliable Cornerback ...
Athlete of the Week: Celebrating success | Clarkston News
It was less than a week after the Clarkston Varsity Football team won the state championship and senior Michael Fluegel admitted it was a bit ...
Clarkston uses late surge to turn back Bloomfield Hills
— Clarkston's Michael Fluegel had pivotal fourth-quarter runs of 53 and 21 yards that proved to be the difference in a OAA Red victory. › high-school ›
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