Michael Lückenbach und Andreas Mager Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Lückenbach)
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Bahntransport - Contargo

14. Feb · Michael Lückenbach. Managing Director. Fon: + Mobil: + E-Mail: mlueckenbach(at)contargo.net. Andreas Mager. Managing Director. Fon ...

Contargo hatches out new rail companyInternational Transport Journal

The two CEOs of Contargo Rail Services: Michael Lückenbach (left) and Andreas Mager. Photo: ©Contargo Artikel Nummer:

Harnessing hidden potentialWorldCargo News

AP — Andreas Mager, who co-manages CRS with Michael Lückenbach, a veteran of Europe's rail freight industry who used to work for the Deutsche AP — Andreas Mager, who co-manages CRS with Michael Lückenbach, a veteran of Europe's rail freight industry who used to work for the Deutsche ...