Michael Mersmann und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Mersmann)
(1 - 22 von 32

German coal exit contrasts with Australia | The Courier | Ballarat,...

While the ink is still drying on the approval for Australia's new controversial coal mine, Germany is working...

German coal exit contrasts with Australia | Camden-Narellan...

While the ink is still drying on the approval for Australia's new controversial coal mine, Germany is working...

What Australia can learn from Germany's coal exit | Daily Telegraphwww.dailytelegraph.com.au › News › National

· ... mining trade union IG BCE Michael Mersmann speak to AAP about the lessons Australia can ...Gepostet:

Back to the future for bush business | Farm Online | ACT

German miner's union IG BCE global and European affairs director Michael Mersmann said if Australia didn't plan for an exit from coal jobs it would be "the ... › b...