(1 - 40 von 179
Vice President Mike Pence won't get tested for coronavirus at this...
Vice President Mike Pence will not get tested for coronavirus after a White House physician said it wasn't necessary at this time, a White House ...
Es fehlt: PEPPER P"
Exclusive: Top Pence aides quietly depart in new year ...www.cnn.com › politics › mike-pence-staff-departures
Vice President Mike Pence's chief lawyer and domestic policy director are leaving his office at the beginning of the new year, according to four ...
EU tomará más medidas tras "farsa" electoral en Venezuela: Mike Pence
El vicepresidente de EU dijo que su país
Mike Pence on vacation amid legal battles over U.S. election loss -...
Pence's vacation comes on the heels of several major legal battles launched by U.S. President Donald Trump against states that voted in favour of...
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