Millard South Person-Info 

( Ich bin Millard South)


(1 - 4 von 20
) Hass auf Schule: Polizistensohn erschießt Vizedirektorin - SPIEGEL...

Aus Hass auf seine neue Schule hat der Sohn eines Polizisten im US-Bundesstaat Nebraska die stellvertretende Direktorin erschossen, den Rektor der Schule...

Slain assistant principal sent student home because of trespass...
A Nebraska high school senior had been called out of class to speak with an assistant principal just hours before he returned to school and fatally shot her,...

Millard South Grad Among 3 Royals Signees | Storm Chasers
The Kansas City Royals announced Thursday they have signed a trio of Major League veterans to minor league contracts, including Omaha Millard South High School...

Son of Omaha Police Detective Kills Assistant Principal, Self - ABC...
A high school student who was the son of a police detective shot two school officials at Millard South High School in Omaha today and then ...
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Vorname "Millard" (25)
Name "South" (271)
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