Mohammad Assad Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammad Assad)


(1 - 4 von 16

Anschlag in Moschee: Mehr als 40 Tote in Pakistan -
Das Attentat galt offenbar dem früheren Innenminister Aftab Ahmed Sherpao, der bei den Wahlen für eine Partei aus dem Lager des umstrittenen Präsidenten Pervez...

An Elected President Has Been Deposed: Egypt’s Party Looks Premature...
Is there such a thing as a good coup?  It sure can feel like there is, and that feeling – boisterous, ecstatic, flag-waving  – coursed through the streets of...

Arab Idol winner given hero's welcome in Gaza - Telegraph
Thousands of excited Gaza residents have mobbed the area's southern border crossing with Egypt to welcome home Mohammad Assad, the winner of the Arab Idol...
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