Néstor Kirchner und Argentina Person-Info 

( Ich bin Néstor Kirchner)
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Spiegel.de: Chavez, Cuba and the New Populism: Are We Losing Latin ...

Apr 03, · The tide gained strength as elections resulted in victories for Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ( Lula ) in Brazil (2002, 2006), Néstor Kirchner in Argentina (2003), Evo Morales in Bolivia (2005), and ...

Former Argentina President Kirchner dies suddenly - CNN.com

Nestor Kirchner, the former Argentinian president who arguably remained the most potent political force in the country, died unexpectedly Wednesday of an...

Nestor Kirchner - Person of the Year TIME

When Néstor Kirchner, who died Oct. 27 at 60, became President of Argentina in 2003, the country's economy, one of Latin America's largest, was in free fall....

La muerte del ex presidente Néstor Kirchner deja un vacío de poder en...

La muerte del ex presidente Néstor Kirchner deja un vacío de poder en Argentina. El marido de la actual presidenta, Cristina Fernández, ha fallecido a los