Nala Rose Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nala Rose)


Meet the babies born on the same day as the Princess of Cambridge -...
Nala Rose Crompton was born in North Manchester Hospital at 1.59pm, weighing 7lbs 12oz5 of 13. Nelli-Beau Hodgson was born in Blackpool Victoria hospital ...

Birth announcements, November and December
Some local babies born in November and December are listed.

Royal baby: Meet the new arrivals born on the same day as Kate and...
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed a bundle of joy into the world today - but they weren't the only ones celebrating

Cucciola nata senza occhi rischiava l’eutanasia e guardatela adesso!...
Nala Rose aveva solo poche settimane e qualcuno stava già pensando che forse era meglio mettere fine alla sua vita Nata da...
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