Nancie Atwell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nancie Atwell)


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Nancie Atwell named world’s best teacher - News | Khaleej Times
Goal is excellence, she says after receiving $1 million Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize from Shaikh Mohammed.

Teacher awarded $1 million caught shoplifting
EDGECOMB, Maine — A Maine teacher who pleaded guilty to shoplifting a $ blouse after winning the $1 million Global Teacher Prize is accused of violating her conditions of release by stealing a $28 dog leash. Wiscasset police tell the Bangor Daily News that Nancie Atwell received a summons for ...

Un millón de dólares para Nancie Atwell, la mejor profesora del mundo
Docente desde hace 42 años, esta maestra estadounidense premiada con el 'Nobel de la enseñanza' ha conseguido que sus alumnos lean un promedio de

Nancie Atwell, la maestra que logra que sus alumnos lean 40 libros al...
La ganadora del Global Teacher Prize lleva 40 años transmitiendo su pasión por la lectura y la escritura con innovadores métodos de enseñanza
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Vorname "Nancie" (21)
Name "Atwell" (65)
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