(1 - 30 von 39
Natalie Czech - A Small Bouquet, uqbar, Pressemitteilung ...
In her solo exhibition at uqbar artist Natalie Czech (*1976, lives and works at Berlin) presents photographs from the series A Small Bouquet by Frank O'Hara, newly produced for a parallel show at ...
Studio Quentin Walesch
We would like to invite you to the first solo exhibition in the United States by Berlin-based artist Natalie Czech opening on Thursday, March 29, at 6:00pm. On Saturday, March 31, at 6:00pm, we will host a reading by Tan Lin in ...
Neueröffnung: Junge Galeristen entdecken Düsseldorf - WELT
Nicht nur Berlin lockt die Kunstszene an. Auch nach Düsseldorf kommen junge Galerien. Die Karlsruher Galeristen Iris Kadel und Moritz Willborn eröffnen dort...
Natalie Czech erhält Ellen-Auerbach-Stipendium
Berlin (dpa) - Das Ellen-Auerbach-Stipendium für Fotografie geht an die Künstlerin Natalie Czech.
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