Natalie Dessay und Opera Person-Info 

( Ich bin Natalie Dessay)
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Sue Gilmore: S.F. Opera star Natalie Dessay to appear at San...
The superbly talented French soprano Natalie Dessay — hailed as resoundingly for her cut-to-the-bone theatrical acumen as for her beautiful ...

French soprano Dessay gives up opera but not the stage | Reuters
French soprano Natalie Dessay gave a recent recital in London that one critic called

Guardian: Natalie Dessay review – fascinatingly unpredictable and occasionally...

The opera singer-cum-actor returned to the recital stage for a theatrical performance that at times came perilously close to going over the top

Natalie Dessay: 'You can't teach personality'
Ahead of her appearance at the Barbican on Friday, the acclaimed French soprano tells Rupert Christiansen about life after opera