Natalie Sonntag und Anne Arundel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Natalie Sonntag)
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Academic All-America® College Division ...Academic All-America
— Lacrosse, Natalie Sonntag, Anne Arundel Community College, So , Nursing. Softball, Lauren Stringer, Jones College, So. 4, Nursing ...

Anne Arundel Defeats Harford in OT - Harford Community College...
Columbia, Md. –Anne Arundel's Natalie Sonntag scored 90 second into overtime, as the No. 2 seed Riverhawks stunned No. 1 Harford with a defeat in...

Fighting Owls Sink Riverhawks,
— Anne Arundel Goals: Natalie Sonntag (5); Bridgette Tayman (3); Jordan Snyder (2); Jessica Grusholt (2); Hannah Mahoney (1) › news