Natascha Kampusch und Austria Person-Info 

( Ich bin Natascha Kampusch)
(1 - 14 von 38
) Austrian Kidnap Victim: Natascha Kampusch Purchases Kidnapper's House...

She was kept in its cellar against her will for over eight years, but now Natascha Kampusch has purchased the home that was once her prison. The 20-year-old... Natascha Kampusch: Abducted Austrian Girl Details Ordeal - DER SPIEGEL

Anyone expecting to see a shaken young woman might have been disappointed when Natascha Kampusch spoke for the first time in an interview on Wednesday. After...

Austrian Kidnap Victim Natascha Kampusch Revisits Cellar - TIME
In a new documentary, kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch reveals the cellar of the home where she was held captive for eight years — and opens up more about her...

Natascha Kampusch autobiography: 'I was beaten and forced to share a...
Natascha Kampusch, who was held prisoner in an Austrian cellar for eight years, has finally revealed the extent of her abuse at the hands of her kidnapper.