Nate Cross Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nate Cross)


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Harlan boys win close race at AL Invite
[SW Iowa News] - Abraham Lincoln: 28, Alex Dixon; 41, Michael Kuider; 46, Tyler Cumberland; 53, Josh Cross; 60, Denny Lippert; 62, Payton Whiteaker; 66, Nate Wink.

Google News: Freshmen form solid core for Hornets' cross-country teams

[Press & Sun-Bulletin] - 2 runner, with Newark Valley graduate Devin Crispell, Candor graduate Nate LaDue and Maine-Endwell graduate Josh Gumaer filling out the top five.

LINCOLN PARK: Native Americans cross the river in canoes in support of treaty
[Southgate News Herald] - By Nate Stemen LINCOLN PARK –– Canoes might be one of the last boats you would expect to see navigating the Detroit River. Yet, on Aug.

Scouting the Illinois boys cross country season
[] - coach Jim Piaskowy Athletes to watch: Nate Bodnar, Sr.; Matt Lamb, Jr.; Chris Merriman, So.; Patrick McDonough, Sr. Outlook: Veteran coach Tim Sovereign
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