Nertila Koka Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nertila Koka)


RIKTHEHET NERTILA KOKA/ Ja ku do ta shihni tani këngëtaren e viteve...
Nertila Koka mbetet një nga këngëtaret më të dashura për publikun shqiptar i cili padyshim e ka ndjerë mungesën e saj prej vitesh. Nertila e ...

Nertila Koka - Ju rrefej dashurite e jetes sime
Nertila Koka - Ju rrefej dashurite e jetes sime

After song and acting, Nertila Koka comes translator, reveals details...
In singing festivals, she "captivated" the scene with her powerful vocal and artistic style with which she was presented in front of the spectators at the concert hall, ...
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