Nizar Mahlaoui Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nizar Mahlaoui)


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Erste erfolgreiche Behandlung einer Nervenkrankheit durch Gentherapie
Bei zwei Kindern mit der unbehandelt tödlich verlaufenden Nervenkrankheit ALD konnten die Krankheitssymptome mit einer neuen Therapieform aufgehalten werden....

Erste erfolgreiche Behandlung einer Nervenkrankheit durch Gentherapie
· ... Ulrich Abel, Liliane Dal-Cortivo, Laure Caccavelli, Nizar Mahlaoui, Véronique Kiermer, Denice Mittelstaedt, Céline Bellesme, Naji ba Lahlou, ...

ESID PID patient registry – IPOPI e-NEWS
The European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) Registry working party (WP ) steering committee held their 7th meeting in Freiburg, Germany, on the 22nd April to discuss operational aspects of this online Registry Since the ESID registry WP is chaired by Dr Nizar Mahlaoui (France, IPOPI MAP Vice-Chair ).

ESID - European Society for › News-and-Events
Together with the Registry WP-Steering Committee Elect (Bodo Grimbacher, Germany - Isabella Quinti, Italy - Matthew ... IPOPI President, along with Gerhard Kindle, Stephan Rusch and Raphael Schmidt (the IT team in Freiburg University), I am pleased to share this news with you Nizar Mahlaoui. ESID Registry WP Chairman,. on behalf of the ESID Registry WP Steering Committee. ...
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