Oliver Mers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oliver Mers)


Ultimate Frisbee: Hermannsburger bei Schulturnier vorne

„Die Stimmung war fantastisch“, sagt Oliver Mers, Sportlehrer am Celler Hermann-Billung-Gymnasium (HBG). Trotz zeitweise starken Regens waren die Schüler ... › Sport › Sport-regional › Lokalsport

No Fake News | The Expat Almanac

A year has passed, and we're about to return to Paris. Tomorrow, in fact. It’s going to be a pivotal time in the City of Light—indeed, in the entire country—as...

Sailors tested as winds wane and wax...

THE autumn conditions have overlapped with the humid weather on Twofold Bay once again demonstrating the inevitable/infinite variability...
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