Omar Osman und Somali Person-Info 

( Ich bin Omar Osman)
(1 - 49 von 278
) Hunger: Somalia: Nach Rückzug der Miliz droht Guerilla-Krieg | ZEIT...

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Mogadishu mayor dies of wounds following al-Shabaab attack | › › africa › mayor-dead-alshabaab-attack-intl
· Abdirahman Omar Osman, the mayor of Somalia's capital Mogadishu, succumbed to wounds sustained in a suicide bombing in the city, ...

makro: Somalias Comeback? - 3sat |
Mogadischu gilt als eine der gefährlichsten Städte der Welt. Erst Mitte April erschütterte eine Reihe von Anschlägen die somalische Hauptstadt. Doch...

EU navy, helicopters strike pirate supply center | Honolulu...
MOGADISHU, Somalia >> European Union naval forces in attack ... it would expand its mission to include Somalia's coast and waterways inside ... Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Omar Osman said that ... China, Russia, and Malaysia — also have dispatched naval vessels to patrol the region.