Paintings Folk-Art-Decorative Person-Info 

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Philly seminary to sell off Eakins paintings, art - Washington Times
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia plans to sell part of the art collection at its St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, including five portraits by artist Thomas Eakins.

Monkey makes Warhol-like paintings, art collectors go bananas | The...
Pockets Warhol, a pint-sized primate version of the famous pop artist, has created a lucrative monkey business using his body parts to paint pictures.

naive paintings folk art colorful painting native primitive artworks...
naive paintings folk art colorful painting native primitive artworks Acrylics

Hanoi exhibit showcases Vietnamese folk paintings | Arts & Culture |...
200 well-preserved paintings from a private collection will be on display until February 2.
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Vorname "Paintings" (41)
Name "Folk-Art-Decorative" (1)
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