Pasquale Pistorio Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pasquale Pistorio)


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Google News: The Mark Of A Great CEO

[ (blog)] - Andy Grove, Pasquale Pistorio, Robin Saxby, Ulrich Schumacher, Scott McGregor and others of their quality would rattle on till the end of time about their companies' projects and aspirations. Last week he was on about how TSMC expects to begin its ramp

Google News: The Turnaround Artist

[ (blog)] - The first CEO of the combined group was Pasquale Pistorio. "We made a merger that seemed impossible," says Pistorio, "two companies that were, in different ways, both sick. There was Thomson which had heavy losses, but no debt, because it was a

Rauchzeichen von STM: Chipindustrie im Aufwind -
Die globale Chipindustrie wird nach Einschätzung von ST Microelectronics um 20 Prozent wachsen und damit eines der besten Jahre ihrer Geschichte erleben.... Geistiges Eigentum bleibt internationaler Zankapfel | heise online

Aus Sicht von Google Book Search sind Urheber durch Nicht-Auffindbarkeit stärker bedroht als durch Piraterie. Bis will die OECD eine Empfehlung zum Thema...
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