Peter Welte und Dakota Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Welte)
(1 - 26 von 47

North Dakota Court System - Peter Welte, North Dakota's newest U.S....
Peter Welte, North Dakota's newest U.S. district judge, balances new role with farming Monday, November 18, G.F. Herald. Ice-encrusted soybeans fly ...

Drew Wrigley, Peter Welte appear in Senate hearings - Grand Forks › newsmd › drew-wrigl...
Former Grand Forks County State's Attorney Peter Welte and former North Dakota Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday ...

North Dakota Court System - Peter Welte confirmed to federal judgeship
G.F. Herald: "The U.S. Senate confirmed former Grand Forks County State's Attorney Peter Welte to fill a long-vacant federal judgeship on ...

Burgum statement on nomination of Peter Welte for U.S. ...North Dakota Office of the Governor (.gov)
— The Burgum statement on nomination of Peter Welte for U.S. District Court judge for North Dakota page — The Burgum statement on nomination of Peter Welte for U.S. District Court judge for North Dakota page.