Randy Pausch Person-Info 

( Ich bin Randy Pausch)


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Life's seasons change quickly — enjoy them

[Stockton Record] - I want to point out two people, both passed away, who did - Randy Pausch and Kerri Susan Smith. Monday marks the three-year anniversary of Pausch's death. For 11 years he was a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

Google News: Teen Talk: Teach kids to roll with life's disappointments

[Pensacola News Journal] - Randy Pausch From the moment our children are born, we work to spare them from suffering disappointment. They're happiness is hampered when we're not holding them, so we pick them up. They're disconcerted when we dally on dishing dinner

Google News: Summer makes it easy to stay in shape

[Northern Star Online] - I think Randy Pausch, Carnegie Melon professor of The Last Lecture fame, had the right idea with his "head fake" approach to learning or "indirect learning." For example, parents could trick their son into thinking that he is just playing football

Spiegel.de: Heute in den Feuilletons: Dosenbier und Lenins Mumie

[SPIEGEL ONLINE - Kultur] - In der "Welt" erinnert Wolf Lepenies daran, dass das chinesische Regime immer noch die Intellektuellen schikaniert. In der "taz" erzählt der russische Medienmogul Dmitri Lesnewski, wie er die Deutschen mit dem Vierten glücklich machen will. 
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