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Dr. rer. nat. Rastin Pries - Institut für InformatikUniversität Würzburg
Dr. rer. nat. Rastin Pries. May Sep Dissertation: Performance Optimization of Wireless Infrastructure and Mesh Networks. Publications.
Rastin Pries - A Web Based Annotated Bibliography - Aigaion 2.0spatial-cognition.de
Klaus Heck, Rastin Pries and Tom Wirth, Simulative Study of the RTS/CTS Solution to the Hidden Node Problem in Infrastructure Wireless LANs, in: 5th World ...
Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks Supporting...
The recent trend towards the interoperability of traditionally separate networks, such as terrestrial, wireless/cellular, and satellite, for the support of...
Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation Internet: ...google.com
A Seamless Vertical Handover Approach⋆ Rastin Pries, Dirk Staehle, Phuoc Tran-Gia, and Thorsten Gutbrod University of W ̈urzburg, Institute of Computer ...
Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation Internet: ...google.com
Rastin Pries, Andreas M ̈ader, Dirk Staehle, and Matthias Wiesen University of W ̈urzburg, Institute of Computer Science, Germany {pries, maeder, staehle, ...
Stefan Menth - dblp
Rastin Pries, Dirk Staehle, Simon Oechsner, Michael Menth, Stefan Menth, Phuoc Tran-Gia: On the unfair channel access phenomenon in wireless LANs.
OPUS Würzburg | Performance Optimization of Wireless Infrastructure...
Metadaten; Author: Jan Rastin Pries: URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus : Document Type: Doctoral Thesis: Granting Institution: Universität Würzburg, Fakultät für ...
A Seamless Vertical Handover Approach | SpringerLink
Today, wireless network devices are equipped with multiple access technologies like UMTS andWireless LAN. The handover between the technologies has been widely...
Performance optimization of wireless infrastructure and mesh networks...
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On the Performance of Mobile IP in Wireless LAN ...Springer
von R Pries · · Zitiert von: 9 — Authors and Affiliations. University of Würzburg, Institute of Computer Science, Germany. Rastin Pries, Andreas Mäder, Dirk Staehle & Matthias Wiesen.
Traffic characterization of a residential wireless Internet access |...
Science. Rastin Pries,. Rastin Pries. University of Würzburg, Institute of Computer
Rastin Pries - Google Scholar Citations
Rastin Pries. Nokia Networks. 5G, NFV, SDN, Data Center, wireless networking. Verified email at nokia.com. Scholar. Get my own profile. Google Scholar. Citation ...
Rastin PriesGoogle
Rastin Pries. Nokia Networks. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ nokia.com. 5GNFVSDNData Centerwireless networking. บทความอ้างโดยการเข้าถึงแบบสาธารณะ ...
1st Broadband Wireless Access WorkshopNGINET
Dirk Staehle, Rastin Pries (University of Wurzburg, Germany) [Invited Paper] WiMAX for Emergency Services: An Empirical Evaluation,
ACM PM2HW2N paradise - University of OttawaUniversity of Ottawa
2) Measuring One-Way Delay in Wireless Mesh Networks - An Experimental Investigation; Barbara Staehle, Dirk Staehle, Rastin Pries, Matthias Hirth ...
IFIP Wireless Days 2009LIP6
Rastin Pries, University of Wuerzburg, DE Salah Eddine Elayoubi, France Telecom R&D, FR Seema Verma, University Banasthali Vidyapith, IN
Networking 2011Ifip.org
Rastin Pries, (-wuerzburg.de), University of Wuerzburg, Germany. Detailed Program Final Program · Workshop on Wireless Cooperative Networks ...
ThinkMind(TM) Digital Library
Rastin Pries, Dirk Staehle, Barbara Staehle, and Phuoc Tran-Gia keywords: Wireless Mesh Networks, Planning, Optimization, Routing, Genetic Algorithms.
CommitteesEuropean Wireless 2023
— Dr. Rastin Pries (NOKIA Bell Labs, Germany). Tutorial Chair. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabrizio Granelli (Università di Trento, Italy).
NovaEnEv 2012
NovaEnEv - First International Workshop on Novel approaches to Energy Measurement and Evaluation in Wireless Networks
Traffic characterization of a residential wireless Internet access -...
Florian Wamser Rastin Pries Dirk Staehle. Klaus Heck Phuoc Tran-Gia. Published online: 29 May Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Abstract ...
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