News Rebecca Tatum-Wilson

(1 - 7 von 8
) Saatchi-Ausstellung "Out Of Focus" in London zeigt...

Manipulation als Ausdrucksform: Die Digitaltechnik regt viele Fotografie-Profis zu neuen Experimenten an. Wie vielseitig Fotokunst heute ist, zeigt eine große...

Rebecca Wilson - The Telegraph
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David and Rebecca Wilson take off-season job at isolated Many Glacier...
David and Rebecca Wilson are living at the Many Glacier Hotel in Montana. Many people have compared the isolated hotel to the Overlook Hotel from film The...

"School of Saatchi" - Bilder & Fotos - WELT
England sucht den Superkünstler

Saatchi takes his former righthand woman to court
Charles Saatchi is taking a row over £10,000 involving his former gallery director to court in a fight to stop the firm she runs from trading on his name

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