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Walter Banfi
… the 4 o Stormo were escorting twelve Reggiane Re.2002 of the 101 o Gruppo (Capitano Dino D'Ottaviano (CO), Tenente Carlo Graziani, Tenente Ugo Bassi and …
Marion Dettloff
TelDaFax Beratung Marion Dettloff, Gosewischs Garten, 74 15 18. Fax: 7 85 14 22. Kranservice. Noell Reggiane Crane Service GmbH, Frankenring 23, 978 55 ...
Mona Ait
Carburatore Mona AIT-122-MD per Motore Fiat RA.1050 R.C.50 Tifone installato su Apparecchio Reggiane 2005. Archivio d’impresa. 1942, Archivio d’impresa.
Gianni Cattaneo
Profile Publications Nr. 123:The Reggiane Re.2000: von Gianni Cattaneo, Profile Publications Ltd, London and Hatford, 1111, Lehrbuch, reggiane
Giuseppe David
Reggiane Re. 2000 - German Aviation 1919: … the 377' Squadriglia which, in the meantime, had been transferred to Trapani Chinisia under Maj Giuseppe David, …
Isabella Grün
Reggiane, 2° Serie, Depot Torino, isabella grün / rot (Art.Nr. 1005) Dieser Artikel kann lediglich vorbestellt werden (3) 164,95 € (Preis inkl., reggiane
Gabrielle Donnelly
Gabrielle Donnelly - Le lettere segrete di Jo (2011) Ebook; Gregory Alegi - Reggiane Re 2005 (2001) - ITA; Ben Kane - L'aquila d'Oriente 2010 Ebook