Roberto Morandotti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Roberto Morandotti)


(1 - 4 von 16

INRS researchers José Azaña and Roberto Morandotti ...Gouvernement du Québec
— INRS researchers José Azaña and Roberto Morandotti awarded the Brockhouse Canada Prize · MONTREAL · "We feel deeply honoured to receive this award ...

Professor Roberto Morandotti of INRS receives prestigious Steacie...
Science X Science News Wire : Professor Roberto Morandotti of INRS receives prestigious Steacie fellowship -- a press release is provided to you ìas isî with...

Event - Roberto Morandotti - Integrated quantum frequency combs -...
RSPE Event - Roberto Morandotti - Integrated quantum frequency combs

Roberto Morandotti - Integrated quantum frequency combsAustralian National University
Professor Roberto Morandotti. Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Canada. The generation of optical quantum states on an integrated ...
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