Ron Carvalho Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ron Carvalho)


Microchip helps reunite dog with man
[Honolulu Star-Advertiser] - The four-legged fella had a name, Ziggy, and an owner, Ron Carvalho of Lihue. Man and dog were reunited on Kauai days later. "I tripped out," Carvalho said.

NAVAIR Demonstrates Successful Airborne Control Of UAV | Aero-News...
| Published: Sun, Apr 06, | Aero-News Network

Honolulu Star-Bulletin Hawaii News
LIHUE -- Not a single football, regulation-size or miniature, could be found in ... A decade ago, Ron Carvalho was a limo driver for the Westin Hotel (now the Kauai ...
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