Sandra Pope Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sandra Pope)


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A symphony of colour - The Globe and Mail
Nori and Sandra Pope, the Canadian creators of Hadspen

Sage words: It’s a sad thought, but gardens are not meant to last
We often say that the experience of being in a garden is timeless, and by that perhaps we mean that our everyday clocks stand still as soon as we step outside.

National Milk Records appoints Sandra Pope as non-exec directorProactive Investors
Accountant Sandra Pope has been appointed as a non-executive director of National Milk Records (LON:NMRP), it emerged today.The appointment is with...

Hadspen: the hearts vs the heads
As the competition to find a new design for Niall Hobhouse's garden enters the shortlist phase, there are few clues to what shape it will take, says Mary Keen...
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