Harry Maxwell Breithaupt - Mississippi's Best Community Newspaper |...
· ... five great-grandchildren, Pvt. 2nd Class William Davis, Sarah Breithaupt, Will Johnson, Katie Johnson and Ransom Lee Archer.
Sarah Grieser made $40,946 in working at Comptroller of › stories › sarah-grie...
· Sarah Grieser made $40,946 in working at Comptroller of Public Accounts according to the Texas Tribune.
Ortenau 50 staatlich geprüfte Erzieherinnen ausgebildet Nachrichten...
... Dorothee Wolf (Oberkirch-Ödsbach); Dominique Rüger, Sarah Breithaupt, Gülden Demir, Franziska Elble, Andrea Fischer, Juliane Hensel, Diana Lurk, ...
Offenburg 59 Schülerinnen haben die mittlere Reife geschafft...
B: Stephanie Beer (Schutterwald), Sina Bell (Offenburg), Stefanie Bohleber (Offenburg), Sarah Breithaupt (Griesheim), Sarah Bruch ...
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