Sascha Lopez Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sascha Lopez)


(1 - 4 von 17

Revealed: Inside the secretive Tory election call centre – Channel 4...
The Conservative Party contracted a secretive call centre during the election campaign which may have broken data protection and election laws, a Channel 4...

Apple iPhone 6 launch: Fans start queuing for latest smart phone two...
Queues are starting to form in Cardiff ahead of the new phone going on sale tomorrow morning

Guardian: Conservative party call centre 'may have broken election law' |...

Channel 4 News investigation questions whether market research staff were actually canvassing for candidates

Keine aktive Unterstützung von Fridays for Future
Oct 14, · Markus Guse, Leiter des Horber Stadtjugendreferats, sowie die beiden Streetworker Sascha Lopez und Paul Bruscella präsentierten die Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten der Horber Jugendarbeiten dem nun ...
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