Sean McGinley Person-Info 

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Stephen Rea, Sean McGinley, Moira Buffini Will Find a Home at ...
[PlaybillArts] that the American premiere of Moira Buffini's Gabriel will be the final main stage show of the season. Previews for Buffini's World War II-set

Google News: Sean Connery: Sean Connery may play a...

[Entertainment and Showbiz!] - Connery followed up his conversation with McGinley by penning a letter to his friend, journalist Alan Rimmer, to reveal his interest in the case.

UK. Community projects set to tap into potential of Erewash Canal
[BYM News (press release)] - British Waterways Acting General Manager, Sean McGinley said; “The Erewash Canal has an exciting future ahead of it. It's our experience that the first

Google News: Men's Track and Field Year in...

[Penn Athletics] - Both Baird and Grau return for the Quakers in along with underclassmen Kevin Sullivan, who scored for the Quakers at the NCAA Regional meet in November
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