Simcoe County Person-Info 

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Taz: Prinzenbad-Blog » Sehnsucht nach Kanada (II)

Freibad-Wetter, gefühlte Wassertemperatur, Gespräche auf der Sommerterasse und Gedanken unter der Dusche – die taz-Freischwimmer bloggen aus Deutschlands...

Simcoe County council elects George Cornell warden at first...
The mayor of Tiny Township, George Cornell has been elected as the County of Simcoe's new warden.

Development plan divides Simcoe County village | The Star
In a rural village in Simcoe County, concerned residents have turned the municipal election into a referendum on growth, and to some extent, ...

Closure of Simcoe County newspapers a 'sad day' -
"It's a sad day for everybody at the papers in Simcoe County. I myself had been with the Packet and Times for just over ten years and I loved what I did and so did everybody else. We cared a lot about what we did and I feel really badly for those who don't have a job anymore," said Nathan Taylor, who was ...
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