Simone Mannori Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simone Mannori)


2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Simulation at the System Level —...
Simone Mannori, ENEA; Keld Lund Nielsen, Subsea & Deepwater Engineering, eni Spa ; Ramine Nikoukhah, Altair Development ; Marc Pantel, ENSEEIHT ; Marc Pouzet, ENS ; Xavier Riou, Saipem ; Florian De Vuyst, Centre des Mathématiques et de Leurs Applications ; Pierre Weis, INRIA Topics: Developing appropriate tools for simulation of complex physical systems is a challenging research and ...

Nuove applicazioni diagnostiche in campo medico e TLC. Innovativa...
... a trasportare elettricità senza dispersione di energia”, spiega Simone Mannori, ricercatore ENEA del laboratorio Diagnostiche e Metrologia.

RTAI - the RealTime Application Interface for Linux - Archive...
CMS ohne Datenbank - CMSimple ist ein Content Management System, das keine Datenbank braucht.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Simone Mannori
Vorname "Simone" (35400)
Name "Mannori" (2)
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