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In pictures: Artists along the US Mexican Border - BBC News
Photographer Stefan Falke has been documenting the work of artists like Alfredo Gutierrez who live and work on the troubled Mexican border with ...
'Ni Solo Mujeres': In This New Exhibition, 11 Female Artists Explore...
The New Latin Wave
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— Siki Carpio ist Mitglied der Band „Cristina Creme“ in Tijuana. Bild: Stefan Falke. La FronteraLA FRONTERA: Artists along the US Mexican ...
La Frontera - Artists along the US Mexican BorderGoSee NEWS
Location, Mexico. Photographer, Stefan Falke Photography / Stefan Falke. Director, Daniel Rosas. Producer, Alejandro Davila. Co-writer, Derrick Sparrow ... Location, Mexico. Photographer, Stefan Falke Photography / Stefan Falke. Director, Daniel Rosas. Producer, Alejandro Davila. Co-writer, Derrick Sparrow ...
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