Stefan Falke und Artists Person-Info 

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In pictures: Artists along the US Mexican Border - BBC News
Photographer Stefan Falke has been documenting the work of artists like Alfredo Gutierrez who live and work on the troubled Mexican border with ...

Hier herrscht die Kunst der KonflikteFAZ.NET
— Siki Carpio ist Mitglied der Band „Cristina Creme“ in Tijuana. Bild: Stefan Falke. La FronteraLA FRONTERA: Artists along the US Mexican ...

La Frontera - Artists along the US Mexican BorderGoSee NEWS
Location, Mexico. Photographer, Stefan Falke Photography / Stefan Falke. Director, Daniel Rosas. Producer, Alejandro Davila. Co-writer, Derrick Sparrow ... Location, Mexico. Photographer, Stefan Falke Photography / Stefan Falke. Director, Daniel Rosas. Producer, Alejandro Davila. Co-writer, Derrick Sparrow ...