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Dept. of Chemistry – Synthesis & Catalysis Theme Seminar ...Imperial College London
Dept. of Chemistry – Synthesis & Catalysis Theme Seminar – Professor Stefan Mecking. This event is now over. Event image. Event; Seminar. Mon 3 June
German researcher awarded grant to unravel the science of...
Professor Stefan Mecking, Chair of Chemical Materials Science at the University of Konstanz, has received an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council...
Obtaining polyester from plant oil | News in detail ...
University of Konstanz chemist Professor Stefan Mecking publishes a new catalysis concept for obtaining polyester from castor oil The development of future technologies that are not based on mineral oil and can be used for producing chemicals and plastics is one of the major tasks in modern materials science and a key challenge that needs to be ...
Universität Konstanz - Renewable Carbon NewsRenewable Carbon
Professor Stefan Mecking, Chair of Chemical Materials Science at the University of Konstanz, receives an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council ...
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