Syed Ahmed und Muslim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Syed Ahmed)
(1 - 33 von 34

How Sir Syed Ahmed Khan helped bring in Indian renaissance
A recent meeting at the sea-facing Islam Gymkhana in Mumbai was convened to discuss Muslim reservation. The talk veered to the community’s underrepresentation...

Aligarh: Portrait of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan reportedly replaced by PM...
Aligarh: A portrait of Aligarh Muslim University’s founder Sir Syed Ahmed Khan has been reportedly replaced with the picture of PM Modi. This step was...

Newark Muslim Gathering Honors Syed Ahmed KhanHarvard University
Newark Muslim Gathering Honors Syed Ahmed Khan ... On October 27, Pakistan Link reported that "more than 600 people gathered at the Chandni Restaurant in ... Newark Muslim Gathering Honors Syed Ahmed Khan ... On October 27, Pakistan Link reported that "more than 600 people gathered at the Chandni Restaurant in ...

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and the Aligarh Movement
Syed Ahmed Khan, born in in a respectable Muslim family, was a loyalist member of the judicial service of the Government. After retirement in 1876, ...