Thomas Revesz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Thomas Revesz)


Devils handed a lesson - Manchester Evening News
ROLLER HOCKEY: Glossopdale Devils used two friendlies for the under-10s and under-12s to gain some vital match practice.

Bradford Bulldogs in late despair at Altrincham Aces.Telegraph and Argus
— ... Thomas Revesz and Callum Smith all got on the scoresheet for the Aces. Then it was the Bulldogs' turn to show some resilience, Stockton — ... Thomas Revesz and Callum Smith all got on the scoresheet for the Aces. Then it was the Bulldogs' turn to show some resilience, Stockton ...

Bradford Bulldogs in 15-goal thriller with rivals Altrincham
— But, just after the halfway point, the Bulldogs found themselves trailing by a goal after Dylan Harcourt, Thomas Revesz and Callum Smith all got — But, just after the halfway point, the Bulldogs found themselves trailing by a goal after Dylan Harcourt, Thomas Revesz and Callum Smith all got ...
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