Tinatin Kajrishvili und Tbilisi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tinatin Kajrishvili)
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Behind blue prison bars in Tbilisi - The Villager | The Villager

The drama is even more poignant with the knowledge that director Tinatin Kajrishvili and her co-writer, husband David Chubinishvili, based it ...

PRODUCTION: Tinatin Kajrishvili Develops Black Comedy ...www.filmneweurope.com › item

TBILISI: The new feature film by Tinatin Kajrishvili is currently in its final financing process. Citizen Saint will be a Ge…n/Swedish/German ...

PRODUCTION: Tinatin Kajrishvili in Postproduction with Horizon -...

TBILISI: Writer/director Tinatin Kajrishvili (Brides) is currently in postproduction with her sophomore feature, Horizon, ...