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Urban Vahsen
geschichte.transnational / Tagungsberichte / Trajectories of …: First, URBAN VAHSEN (University of Cologne) gave a survey of the broadening contact zones …
Marco Hauptmeier
By Marco Hauptmeier; The Second Automobile Revolution. Trajectories of the World Carmakers in the 21st Century - Edited by Michel Freyssenet
Anton Gfrerrer
… $E_3$ with Spherical Trajectories I. Anton Gfrerrer, Johann Lang. Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Geometrie, Kopernikusgasse 24, 8010 Graz, …
Markus Kuderer
Feature-Based Prediction of Trajectories for Socially Compliant Navigation Markus Kuderer Henrik Kretzschmar Christoph Sprunk Wolfram Burgard Department of …
Sarah Willen
Sarah Willen's Books: Shattering Culture: American Medicine Responds to Cultural Diversity, A Reader In Medical Anthropology: Theoretical Trajectories, Emergent
Margit Wiesner
Arrest Trajectories Across a 17-Year Span for Young Men: Relation to …: Margit Wiesner is Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology …
Ulrich Neitzel @ Philips Medical Systems, Hamburg
Hamburg, Philips Medical, Systems, Image, Germany, Mathias, Thorsten, Prokop, Martin, Trajectories
Johannes Reitzenstein
Johannes Reitzenstein: (AB: Pesch, Chudej) Designing and Com…ng Mountain-Pass Trajectories via Methods of Optimal Control with Applications in Chemistry.
Susanne Schührer
Susanne Schührer works as a research assistant at the eduLIFE ("Education as a Lifelong Process – Comparing Educational Trajectories in Modern Societies") …
Verena Seibel
… Trajectories and Bordering Practices: a Transatlantic Comparison · May 7 | BGSS Workshop for Work in Progress | Verena Seibel (Generation 2011) & Nicolas …
Jochen Eisner
Algorithms for Matching and Predicting Trajectories Jochen Eisner Stefan Funke Andre Herbst y Andreas Spillner y Sabine Storandt Abstract We consider the following
Yanxiong Huang
Representations of Graphomotor Trajectories in the Human …: Find more content written by: Rüdiger J. Seitz; Anthony G. M. Canavan; Lidia Yágüez; Hans Herzog; …
Eva Gahler
Family Antecedents and Consequences of Trajectories of …: Bernhardt Eva, Gahler Michael, Goldscheider Frances. The Impact of Childhood Family Structure and …
Alexandra Oberthür
Alexandra Oberthür, Jörg Taube, Reimer Herrmann: EU - FORCAST: Forest Carbon - Nitrogen Trajectories Anette Gräff, Kerstin Löblich-Ille, Gerhard Gebauer
Nicolai Kubasiak
Paolo Mercorelli, Nicolai Kubasiak, Steven Liu: Multilevel Bridge Governor by using Model … trajectories …