(1 - 30 von 49
(2009 International Conference on Com…tional Models for Life Sciences (CMLS '09)) BY (Pham, Tuan) on 2010
von Tuan Pham, American Institute of Physics, 2010, Gebundene Ausgabe
(2011 International Symposium on Com…tional Models for Life Sciences (Cmls-11): Toyama City, Japan October (Edition.)) BY (Pham, Tuan D.) on 2011
von Tuan D. Pham, American Institute of Physics, 2011, Taschenbuch
Advanced Com…tional Methods for Biocom…ng & Bioimaging. Nova Science Publishers, Inc (US)
von HONG YAN, DENIS I CRANE . EDITED BY: TUAN D PHAM, Nova Science Publishers, Inc (US), 2007, Gebundene Ausgabe
bol.com: Dental Systems Manual | | Tuan Pham | Boeken | bol.com
Dental Systems Manual (Paperback). Are you looking for effective systems for your dental office? With this book, you will be able to train your...
Tuan Pham | LinkedIn
Check out professional insights posted by Tuan Pham, Sale at GREENFARMS SEAFOOD JOINT STOCK COMPANY.
Tuan Pham | LinkedIn
Check out professional insights posted by Tuan Pham, Managing Partner of DIMAC.
Tuan Pham | Autorenprofil und Werke | beck-shop.de
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AbeBooks: TUAN PHAM - AbeBooks
Validating a dial-turning instrument for real-time measurement of affective and evaluative responses to advertising (Report / Marketing Scie von Michel Tuan...
Tuan Pham (Author of Success, Profitability & Destiny Begins with You)
Tuan Pham is the author of Success, Profitability & Destiny Begins with You (4.75 avg rating, 4 ratings, 0 reviews), Dental Maverick Q & A (4.00 avg rati...
Få Dental Systems Manual af Tuan Pham som Paperback bog på engelsk
Få Dental Systems Manual af Tuan Pham som bog på engelsk Bøger rummer alle sider af livet. Læs Lyt Lev blandt millioner af bøger på Saxo.com.
bokus.com: Tuan Pham - Böckerbokus.com
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Hai Tuan Pham | Papers With Code
Papers by Hai Tuan Pham with links to code and results.
Erfolgreiches Marketing durch Emotionsforschung: Messung, Analyse,...
Die Bedeutsamkeit von Emotionen im Marketing ist schon lange kein Geheimnis mehr: Kampagnen mit einer emotionalen Ansprache schaffen einen entscheidenden...
Quang Tuan Pham | Book Depository
Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Quang Tuan Pham books online. Free delivery worldwide on over 20 million titles.
Huy Tuan Pham | Papers With Code
Papers published by Huy Tuan Pham with links to code and results.
An Introduction to Bispectral Analysis and Bilinear Time Series...
The theory of time series models has been well developed over the last thirt,y years. Both the frequenc.y domain and time domain approaches have been widely...
Food Freezing and Thawing Calculationsbooks.google.nl › books
Q. Tuan Pham. T e m p e r a t u r e ( C ) T c Ta Ti ∆H2 ∆H1 Tfm (Mean freezing temp.) (Air temp.) Pre c oolin gp e rio d Phase change period (Final temp.) ...
Auflistung Questionnaires nach Autor "Vu, Tuan Pham"
QUESTIONNAIRE Author: Engs, Ruth C.; Vu, Tuan Pham Date: Now
showing items ...
Infrastrukturelle und prozessonale Erfolgsfaktoren zur Steigerung der...
Anhang A1: Gesprächsnotiz zum Gespräch mit Herrn Tuan Pham am Der Verfasser führte mit Herrn Tuan Pham von Siebel Systems Deutschland ...
Positionierung von Business-to-Business-Marken: Konzeption und...
Nadine Bausback untersucht das Spannungsfeld von Rationalität und Emotionalität bei der Positionierung von Marken im B2B-Kontext. Sie liefert einen...
Deterministic Solvers for the Boltzmann Transport Equation - Sung-Min...
The book covers all aspects from the expansion of the Boltzmann transport equation with harmonic functions to application to devices, where transport in the...
Tuan Pham - TechRxivwww.techrxiv.org › authors › Tuan_Pham
Tuan Pham · Usage metrics · Tuan Pham's public data · Kriging-Weighted Laplacian Kernels · Extracting Time-Frequency Features of Images for Robust LSTM-based ...
Fuzzy Algorithms: With Applications To Image Processing And Pattern...
Contents:Introduction:Basic Concepts of Fuzzy SetsFuzzy RelationsFuzzy Models for Image Processing and Pattern RecognitionMembership...
Reiseerleben: die Gestaltung der Fahrt als neue Aufgabe für den...
Kastanienbaum (CH). Tuan Pham, Michel (1997): Representativeness, relevance and the use of feelings in decision making. In: Journal of Consumer Research ...
Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems: 14th EAI International...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, INISCOM 2018, held in Da...
Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2016: Comparing Regulatory Good...
Enabling the Business of Agriculture provides a tool for policy makers to identify and analyze legal barriers for the business of agriculture and to...
Knowledge and Systems Engineering: Proceedings of the Sixth...
Parameter Learning for Statistical Machine Translation Using CMA-ES Viet-Hong Tran, Anh-Tuan Pham, Vinh-Van Nguyen, Hoai-Xuan Nguyen, and Huy-Quang ...
Soziologie der Werbung: Ein überblick zum Forschungsstand...
A sorgt fur etwas weniger Schmerz auf dieser Welt. B vermittelt Freude am Fahren und C hat alles, was ein Bier braucht. D ist die längste Praline der Welt und...
Suchergebnisse - "Pham, Tuan Anh"
Solvation Properties of Silver and Copper Ions in a Room Temperature Ionic Liquid : A First-Principles Study Vol. 122, No. 50 (2018), p
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