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Phosphorylation Affects DNA-Binding of the Senescence-Regulating bZIP...
Massive changes in the transcriptome of Arabidopsis thaliana during onset and progression of leaf senescence imply a central role for transcription...
https://biblio.ugent.be › publicationUGent BiblioThe non-JAZ TIFY protein TIFY8 of Arabidopsis thaliana interacts with ...
von AG Andrade Galan · · Zitiert von: 6 — Ulrike Zentgraf. (2023) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 24(4). Author: Ana Gabriela Andrade Galan, Jasmin Doll, Svenja Corina ...
https://journals.plos.org › authorsPLOSAuthor Info | PLOS ONE
Ulrike Zentgraf. * . Affiliation Center for Plant Molecular Biology (ZMBP), University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany ...
Plant Promoters and Transcription Factors - Google Books
The control of plant gene expression at the transcriptional level is the main subject of this volume. Genetics, molecular biology and gene technology have...
Progress in Botany - Google Books
With one volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant...
Progress in Botany / Fortschritte der Botanik: Structural Botany...
With one new volume each year, this series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of botany. The...
https://www.degruyter.com › htmlDe GruyterEvidence for Nucleosomal Phasing and a Novel Protein Specifically ...
von TC Fischer · · Zitiert von: 26 — ... Ulrike Zentgraf. Ulrike Zentgraf. Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Genetik, Biologisches Institut, Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 28, D ...
Senescence | IntechOpen
Senescent cells deals with the aging of living things. The book includes the aging and senescent changes of living things like plants and animals | InTechOpen
Progress in Botany: Genetics Cell Biology and Physiology Ecology and...
With one volume each year, this review series keeps scientists and advanced students informed of the latest developments and results in all areas of the plant...
Redox Metabolism and Longevity Relationships in Animals and Plants:...
Redox Metabolism and Longevity Relationships in Animals and Plants focuses on the recent issues that have emerged in ageing research in both the animal and...
Grundlagen der Evolutionsbiologie und Formalen Genetik - Jürgen...
Das Buch stellt die wichtigsten Themenkreise aus der Evolutionsbiologie und Formalen Genetik vor. In kurz gefassten Kapiteln erklären die Autoren die Bedeutung...
Senescence and Senescence-Related Disorders - Google Books
Senescence is a biological process that causes a progressive deterioration of structure and function of all organs chronologically. Recent studies have...
Redox Metabolism and Longevity Relationships in Animals and ...
... isoform from Ara- bidopsis thaliana (PGR ). Plant Physiol. 110: Zentgraf, U., Jobst, J., Kolb, D. and Rentsch, D. (2004) ULRIKE ZENTGRAF 201.
Aging of Organisms - Google Books
Biological aging as the time-depending general decline of biological systems associated with a progressively increasing mortality risk is a general phenomenom...
Senescence and Senescence-Related Disorders
... demonstrates the. Chapter. 3. Plant Senescence and Nitrogen Mobilization Signaling Stefan Bieker and Ulrike Zentgraf.
Annual Plant Reviews, Senescence Processes in Plants - Google Books
... stress-induced senescence 3.7 Translational regulation of senescence References Oxidative stress and leaf senescence ULRIKE ZENTGRAF 4.1 Introduction ...
Role of Intracellular Hy… Peroxide as Signalling Molecule for...
Role of Intracellular Hy… Peroxide as Signalling Molecule for Plant Senescence.
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