V. Vladimirov Person-Info 

( Ich bin V. Vladimirov)


Spox: Vladimir Vladimirov - Zusammenfassung - SPOX.com

Vladimir Vladimirov - Daten, Spiele, Vereine, Auszeichnungen: Spielerdaten, Spielerportraits und Detaildaten von der Bundesliga bis zur Oberliga und allen...

Moscow metro projects that were never built (PHOTOS)

vor 5 Tagen — Designed by architect V. Vladimirov and engineer A. Boldyrev in the innovative Constructivist style, the station was to have three levels ... › History

Working Meeting between CPC General Director N. Brunich ...www.cpc.ru › releases › Pages

On November 10 a working meeting between the CPC General Director N. Brunich and the Stavropol Region Governor V. Vladimirov was held in the CPC ...

[Historical] Semyon Vladimirov, creator of the ShVAK - News

Semyon V. Vladimirov was born on February 3rd, in the town of Klin near Moscow. In 1935, the Soviet engineer developed the heavy ShVAK machine gun, ... › news
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Name "Vladimirov" (76)
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