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(1 - 4 von 95
) The Battle for Gas: Europe's Pipeline War - SPIEGEL ONLINE

The most recent conflict between Moscow and Kiev over natural gas supplies has reignited the controversy over new transit routes. Europe could get its future... Gerhard Schröder Russia Ties Hamstring SPD in Germany ...

Indeed, Schröder is believed to have been influential in the sale of several run-down shipyards in Wismar and Rostock a few years ago to Russian businessman Vitaly Yusufov, who heads up the Nord ... German Shipyards See Future in Wind Power - DER SPIEGEL

After years of decline, Germany's shipyards are now pinning their hopes on offshore wind farms, a key component of the country's energy revolution. Some have... Eine wehmütige Erinnerung an AIDA-Zeiten - Wismar -

Der derzeitige Eigentümer der Nordic-Werften in Wismar und Warnemünde, Vitaly Yusufov, betonte im Oktober, dass an beiden Standorten Spezialschiffe
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