Vladislav Popkov Person-Info 

( Ich bin Vladislav Popkov)


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Phantom Bethe excitations and spin helices in integrable spin ...RIKEN iTHEMS

— Vladislav Popkov (University Wuppertal, Germany). Venue. via Zoom. Language: English. Host: Thore Posske (University of Hamburg, Germany). We ...

Vladislav Popkov: Effective evolution of an open quantum system in...

Vladislav Popkov: Effective evolution of an open quantum system in Zeno regime. Date: Source: Mathematical physics seminar. Predavanje bo v ...

Principles of the dynamics of non-equilibrium systemswww.newton.ac.uk › event › pds

11:00 to 12:00. Vladislav Popkov University of Cologne Phase transitions and scaling laws in step bunching on vicinal surfaces.
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