Wolfgang Malzer und X-Ray Person-Info 

( Ich bin Wolfgang Malzer)
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High precision X-ray measurements Agenda INFN

Wolfgang Malzer TU BerlinBerlin, Germany. Speaker at Applications of HAPG for high resolution spectroscopy. Alberto Manfreda PI. › speakers

EXAFS: From The Synchrotron Beamline to Your Laboratory

— Wolfgang Malzer and Prof. Dr. Birgit Kanngiesser. This laboratory spectrometer is dedicated to performing X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) ... › newsroom

FHI - Events

, Berlin. Dr. Wolfgang Malzer. Lecture series catalysis: X-ray fluorescence for chemical analysis. Affiliation: TU Berlin ...

FHI - Veranstaltungen

... Planck Society (Building F, room 0.04), -6, Berlin. Dr. Wolfgang Malzer. Lecture series catalysis: X-ray fluorescence for chemical analysis ...