Solar blinds for £200 'could cut energy bills by three quarters
— Inventor Yevgen Erik, 41, said he spent a day studying how sunflowers always faced the sun before coming up with his designs. › News
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SolarGaps, Junior Business Development Manager. Kyiv. 13: Oct. User has updated information about himself. avatar. Yevgen Erik. SolarGaps, CEO. › events › visito...
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Yevgen Erik. SolarGaps. Yevgen Erik. SolarGaps (Ukraine). Anabelle Sellame. Sonovia. Anabelle Sellame. Sonovia (Israel). Stephan Savarese. › events
Solargaps' New Solar Blinds Shade Windows And Generate ...
SolarGaps' smart solar blinds, created by Ukrainian inventor Yevgen Erik, could revolutionize how we live our lives indoors, and obtain the energy we ... › articles
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