Zapata Tamayo und Martin Person-Info 

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Una zona ajardinada de Chamartín pasa a denominarse Orlando Zapata...
La zona verde Parque Santa Marca llevará el nombre del disidente cubano fallecido en huelga de hambre en 2010

Neighbors complain about the gullies which make navigating the street difficult HAVANA, Cuba, December 11 (Reinaldo Cosano Alén, Sindical Press Abel López Pérez, Orlando Zapata Tamayo and Julián Antonio Moné Borrero were LA HABANA, Cuba, October 6 (Aini Martin Valero, Agencia Libre Asociada ...

CSC news: Human Rights in Cuba and Honduras, 2010: The Spring of...
Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a 42-year-old Afro-Cuban political prisoner, died after an 83-day ... and an editorial in the Wall Street Journal, "Women Who Brave Mobs" Martin Luther King Jr., and Senator John Kerry have also been widely ... On May 3, ("World Press Freedom Day") Ms. Clinton issued a ...

Cuba News / The Miami Herald - CubaNet News - Noticias de Cuba / Cuba...
By Nancy San Martin, . Posted ... Jiménez Posada, Rafael Millet Leyva, Miguel Sigler Amaya and Orlando Zapata Tamayo Santana traveled with Sánchez and others to Washington to press the organization's cause.